The Forlorn Gate

A lone tree perched on top of a lone sea stack makes for an interesting subject for a seascape image. A long exposure draws out the receding waves to form lines that mirror the patterns in the sky.

El Matador's View
A look out of a tight cave at El Matador State Beach in Malibu, Ca during the dwindling light of twilight.

The dramatic coast line of Big Sur never dissapoints, and delivered a lot of beauty during this December twilight.

Water rushes under a natural arch during sunset at Cliff Island, Corona Del Mar, Ca.

Naupaka's Journey
The dramatic cliffs of the Napali Coast in Kauai stand tall above fields of Naupaka, slowly overtaking the long hardened lava rock.

Sinking Teeth
Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park. A pair of very impressive sea stacks under foreboding skies.

Oceanside Swirl
Inside of a seacave in Oceanside, Oregon, crashing waves outside of the cave caused bits of sea foam to enter the pool, swirling around. A long exposure was used to render the streaks from the moving foam.

4th Season
An arrangement of a Heliotrope tree in a bed of ferns receives the last light of the day during this firey sunset on the island of Maui.

Lani's Lost Love
The sun sets on Makaiwa Bay. Hawaiian folklore says the half flowers of Beach Naupaka signify lovers that have been torn apart, never to be reunited. Tragic.

Maui's Pearl
A receding wave rushes towards the sun on the island of Maui, Hawaii. The most dramatic sunset I witnessed while there during my travels.


The sun rises behind a lava surface flow breaks out and flows into the ocean, causing large plumes of toxic gas. I was in a full gas mask, and the soles of my shoes, and the rubber feet of my tripod were melting while taking this shot! It was pretty exciting to say the least.

South Point
The southern most point in the United States on the Big Island of Hawaii. Waves beat the 50ft cliffs of the shore, formed of volcanic rock long ago. VOG, a sort of haze in the sky caused by the volcanic gasses that are emitted from Hawaiis volcano give the sky a luminescent glow.

Kalapana Creep
The Kalapana lava flow entering the ocean on the big island of Hawaii just before sunrise. Surface flow breakouts glow red hot as they creep towards the ocean entry point. Volcanic fumes billow out of the water from the lava coming into contact with the ocean.

Rare low tide conditions at sunset on El Matador State Beach, Malibu, Ca. Perched Cormorants and tucked away starfish make for an active scene on this beautiful beach.

Waves crash against lava rock, dried long ago at Laupahoehoe Point, big island Hawaii.

The Lounge
A glowy VOG sunset on the Kona side of Hawaii.

A Star is Born
A setting sun sends its last rays of light deep into a sea cave in Oceanside, Oregon.

Perhaps how it would look being swallowed by a whale as you slide down it's throat, it's mouth closing as you slip away into nothingness...
A rare set of conditions for this cave in Cape Kiwanda. The amount of sand inside this cave can change a good amount, and on this particular day, the sand levels were very high, making it possible for a shot this far into the cave.

Captured along one of the most amazing stretches of coastline in southern Oregon. I love this place, and the ability to meander along the coastline cliff via a trail that spanned the entire area. Many outcroppings of large rocks like this exist, this being one of the more beautiful spots. I was precariously perched along a narrow ridge that jutted out from the main cliff to get this vantage point.

Golden Dragon